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Basketball IQ is the ability to pick up on small cues during play that will allow players to anticipate what's going to happen next with a higher probability.
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This requires deep knowledge of the game and a sharp eye for detail.
For example:
The player who is consistently able to slide across the key just in time to plant their feet and draw or charge, or the player who is consistently in position to grab offensive rebounds.
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Almighty dollar song. Both of these players are reading the game, picking up on small cues (arc of the shot, reading opponent's eyes, etc) and then reacting instinctively and immediately to what they're seeing.
That's why high IQ players always seem to be in the right place at the right time.
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Here's another definition I read from an expert on the topic:
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Ben Alamar, who is the former director of sports analytics at ESPN, said the following about basketball IQ when he was on the Counterpoints podcast:
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Craps rules betting strategy. 'The general concept is that the very best players in the world can understand what's going to happen on the court before everybody else does. So they're not reacting to what's happening right now. They're reacting to what's going to happen in two or three, four, five seconds. It's like a chess master who is thinking four, five, six moves ahead. Or as Wayne Gretzky once said, you don't skate to where the puck is. You skate to where the puck is going to be. And that's what I try to talk about and try and measure what I'm talking about - the basketball intelligence.'